Hip Hop
Hip Hop is not only a type of music and dance but it is also a cultural movement. Since it first emerged in New York City in the 1970s, Hip Hop has spread all over the world and captured the imagination of kids and adults alike. Hip Hop as a style of dance is full of very urban and contemporary movements. Done in street clothes as opposed to dance clothes it is a more natural style of dance that takes in everything from old school Hip Hop moves such as popping, locking, ticking and waving to break dancing and krumping and whatever new styles emerge.
At the Shelley Shearer School of Dance beginner students explore Hip Hop through various exercises that showcase all that Hip Hop has to offer. Classes are available for all skill levels and age groups. In each class students emulate some of the dance moves they see in music videos and popular shows, but in an age appropriate way. Being appropriate, but also fun is very important to us and we ensure that all music and movements taught in each class are reviewed beforehand. Students also learn many of the other skills that Hip Hop develops, such as coordination and musicality. In addition to regular classes, students are offered workshops from famous Hip Hop dancers and choreographers which help their ability to pick up and learn new styles.
Every student’s year culminates in the annual performances in June at the Winnipeg Centennial Concert Hall. We’ll see you on stage.